Monday, February 11, 2013


Habitat for Humanity of Utah County held its seventh annual community recognition event to show gratitude to its dedicated supporters and hardworking friends this past Thursday. The Valentine's themed event was held at the White Willow Reception Center in Provo and included delicious sweets and savories, an Italian soda bar, beautiful flowers, a fun "get to know you" game, and a great door prize. The following business partners, supporters, and community volunteers were honored for their outstanding and generous service efforts with the local Habitat affiliate over the last year and half:

Board Member of the Year: Jeanne Walker

Builder of the Year: Westland Construction

Committee Member of the Year: Susan Sorenson

Community Supporters of the Year: Utah Valley University and Payson City

Corporate Partners of the Year: McCoy’s Cabinets and Flooring and Wells Fargo

Faith Partners of the Year: Payson Utah South Stake and Alpine Stake

Habitat Recycle Partner of the Year: Dunn Recycling

Inaugural Millard Fuller Award: Don McCandless

ReStore Donors of the Year: True Value Hardware and Value Pages

ReStore Partner of the Year: Boydean Frazier

ReStore Volunteer of the Year: Jorge Kaufman

Volunteer Group of the Year: Vivint

Volunteers of the Year: Mikeal Curtis and Jeremy Andrus