Thursday, November 12, 2015

Honoring Veterans Through Service

Habitat's construction crew spent Veterans Day building a porch and ramp for local Veteran. George Jordan served in The United States Army from 1970-1972. He lives in a mobile home in Orem and has had difficulty accessing his home due to his reliance on an oxygen tank. Now with an extended porch and ramp, he and his dog Teddy are able to come and go as they please.

In June, Habitat partnered with the Lindon Home Depot to help another Veteran in Orem, Kent Hinkson who served in the Marine Corps. Volunteers renovated the interior of his home, completing three bedrooms, two bathrooms and a family room. Kent has extreme sensitivity to light and sound, and the renovations improved the home so that less sound and light from outside come in. Recently, Habitat was also able to provide materials for Kent and his family to complete the exterior of their home.

Habitat would like to thank all of the Veterans in Utah County for their service to our country. If you know of a Veteran in need of critical home repair, please contact Ashley Burton by calling 801-344-8527 or emailing

Jordan Before

Jordan After
Hinkson Before

Hinkson After
Hinkson After